The Tales of The Deer-Man


Little Helena was coming home from school. The Deer-Man walked beside Little Helena. The Deer-Man had large branched antlers. Rags, beads, cuckoos and ribbons lived in those antlers. Those antlers looked white during the day. Those antlers looked silverish during the night. The sun shone with a pale light. The sun looked like a teardrop. Little Helena looked like a petal. The Deer-Man looked like a spool of thread. Little Helena held a glass ball in her hand. The Deer-Man held a transparent stone in his hand. The sun held an ice cube in its hand. The road home became endless.


Once upon a time there lived two fluffs. Green fluff had the name Fluffin-Braffluffin. Cold fluff had the name Fluffin Jr. They had a younger sister. She had no name. One winter, she went into the desert to find a name. They also had an older sister and a dog named Judith. In reality, Judith was human. Judith loved freezing water. Judith loved to play with dolls. Judith loved to play with dolls and ice cubes. Judith imagined the dolls as conquerors of the ice during the game. Ice defeated dolls more often than dolls defeated ice. Everyone was waiting for spring. Spring was delayed. Spring had three names. Previously, spring had four names. One of the four names of spring melted away. Water. Big or small? Splash! It smelled like cinnamon.



Trees used to not be able to talk. Trees used to often gather to drink tea in silence. The stingrays usually gathered to drink tea on the floor above. People used to build warm houses out of large ice cubes. Candle lived in such an ice house. Candle had many beds in this ice house. But the candle usually slept on the roof. Candle loved to remember the good old days and the story of the three coins. Three coins were hungry. Three coins went to the bakery to buy bread. Three coins bought bread in a bakery. One bread costs one coin. Two coins and bread went home. One coin remained to live in the bakery.


Little Helena was the tallest in the school. The Deer-Man was the tallest on the whole Earth. Little Helena had never seen the face of the Deer-Man. The Deer-Man's face has always been hidden in the clouds. They were always silent, only the bells on the antlers of the Deer-Man always rang loudly. If Little Helena was scared, she held the Deer-Man by the hand. Little Helena always walked very slowly. She had a lot of thoughts in her head. She had more thoughts in her head than things and events in the whole Universe. The Deer-Man talked to Helena without words. When Little Helena and the Deer-Man were together, the leaves always fell from the trees. This happened in any season.


The woman had compassion. Compassion was blue and white. Compassion was like a lantern. White-blue lantern. Various stupid insects flew at the white-blue light of the lantern. Usually insects burn out on ordinary hot lanterns. But in this case, the woman burned. The woman rose from the ashes and decided to hide compassion. The woman hid compassion in a box. After that the woman hid the box in the sea. After that the woman hid the sea in her eye. After that the woman hid her eye behind her bangs. The woman put on a large strange hat and went into the forest. Stupid insects did not understand anything. Stupid insects flew to burn out on ordinary hot lanterns.


 Little Helena hesitantly was coming home from school.  She's never been home.